Oh it's an exciting day for me! My new camera arrived on my doorstep a couple of hours ago! I can hardly stand to wait for the batteries to charge so I can start using it. That darn red light just won't go out!
When my batteries finally do charge I will take some pictures of the quilts I recently got back from the quilter. I have the binding sewn on one and just about to start handstitching the next one. I 'still' haven't been spending a whole lot of time down in my sewing room but hope to very soon.
My DH and I spent last weekend visiting friends in Ottawa, ON. All the parents pitched in and looked after the kids while we were gone and I don't think they ever ate out so much! lol We had a wonderful time and did lots of relaxing. I never even thought to look up any quilt shops while we were there. We did go to the Senators vs. Bruins game on saturday night and had a good time (although the Bruins lost). The kids were very excited to have us home on monday and even more excited to see that we bought them a Wii while we were there.
Ok . . . they must be done by now! Gotta go and check . . .
Yeah Michele!!
I'd be lost even knowing what kind of camera to buy much less how to use it..lol.
Can't wait to see your quilt photos.
Whatever you do, don't tell my kids that your kids have a Wii! I think we're the meanest parents on the planet. LOL!
So glad you got your new camera and glad youa and DH has a nice vacation! Well deserved for both of you!
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